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Eating Disorder in Children

Behavior eating disorder in children between 14-18 years of age is known as Anorexia Nervosa. Female adolescents are affected the most. Anorexia- is loss of appetite Nervosa- loss is due to emotional reasons Diagnosis- it is a clinical diagnosis and patient presents with: • Patient shows refusal to maintain body weight which is required for particular age, weight, height. • Child feels fear of gaining weight and becoming fat. • There is disturbance in body weight and shape • Disturbed cycle Types - • Restricting type- child restrict himself/herself to eat • Binge-eating/Purging type- child has habit of binge eating i.e. self induced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives after eating This affects child’s health in the form of depression, OCD, phobias, panic attacks, other personality disorders, substance abuse. Health changes - • Decrease BP • Decrease HR • GI and kidney problems • Decrease Bone Mass • Skin dries out and nail become

Enuresis | कुडल्स चाइल्ड क्लिनिक गुड़गांव

Enuresis (Bed Wetting): when child doesn’t have control of urination is known as Enuresis. It can be at night time (nocturnal) or both day and night time (diurnal). Most children achieve control by the age of four years. But some children achieve the control late by 6-7 years. Enuresis is countable, if the control is not after 7 years of age. Enuresis is more common in boys than girls. This condition sometimes makes bad effect on children as well as parents in many ways:- ·  Child is always scared: don’t want to go to camps, to relatives as he is hesitant to sleep at night. ·  Parents feel frustrated with problem of their child and loose temper on them and make the condition worsen. Nocturnal enuresis: ·  Primary type is those who were never dry since potty trained. No daytime wetting. ·  Secondary type is those who achieved dry days till 6 months but now again started bedwetting. Sometimes it’s related to any underlying disorder or stress. Diagn

Asthma and Allergies अस्थमा और एलर्जी

ASTHMA ( अस्थमा ): It is defined as hypersensitive reaction of airways.  It involves the bronchial tree.  The triad includes: ·   Inflammation ·   Bronchospasm ·   Odema Allergic reaction involves immune response (IgE mediated) and an increase in absolute eosinophilic count (AEC). Causative agents: ·   Dust ·   Smoke ·   Preservatives ·   Coloured food items ·   Pets ·   Change in weather Family history plays an important role in predisposition of Asthma. Asthma or allergies run in family Symptoms: ·   Cough (due to bronchospasm) ·   Audible wheeze  (severe condition) ·   Breathlessness (Air hunger) ·   Vomiting Signs: ·   Wheezing heard with stethoscope ·   Nasal flaring, chest retractions (severe cases) ·   Falling blood oxygen saturation ·   Cyanosis (severe cases) ·   Silent chest (severe cases) Evaluation of asthma is clinical mostly expect for need of X-ray chest, Allergic profile (IgE and AEC), Spirometrey, ABG (severe

Doubts about Newborn-To ASK

When u has a child in your arms, u has a lot any doubts about upbringing of a child that “what to do or what not, this is right or that is right, is this normal or abnormal.” So with a new phase of life and being a new mom, here come the answers to your doubts. 1)How to know that my mild is sufficient for my baby? You are lactating means you are milking, no worries then. If your baby passes 6-8 times urine a day and having good weight gain in monthly assessment, then yes your milk is sufficient for baby 15-20 minutes adequate feeding and proper sleeps in between feed also indicates the same. 2)My child wakes whole night and sleeps in day? When baby was in womb, he sleeps in day as mother rooms around and giving a swing feeling to baby and them wake when mother sleeps on bed, the same continues after birth. This is called their Jet lag and takes times to adapt to new sleep awake cycle. Try helping baby to awake more in daytime, so that he sleeps more in night with time. 3


Plastic, a major threat to our environment and specially our children by using teethers and plastic toys and bottles. This exposure can lead to concerns like birth defects, impaired immunity, endocrine dysfunctioning, developmental and reproductive effects. A harmful chemical named Phthalates is added to PVC which is widely being used to make teethers, soft figures and inflatable toys. This chemical migrates in the air, food and womb causing adiposity, insulin resistance which directly impairs functioning of reproductive system, endocrine and metabolic system. Use of phthalates was banned by Australia, Canada, USA and European Union. Indian government is working with the standards of toy manufacturing but still none of these standards give limits for Phthalates in children toys and child care articles. So with the awareness from now onwards, try stop using plastics in your child’s life and prevent them from its hazards. Find Best pediatrician in sector 56 Gurgaon, Child

VIRAL INFECTIONS IN CHILDREN विषाणु संक्रमण बच्चे में | Cuddles

Viral infections are very common in children like diarrhea, upper airway infections, high grade fever like dengue, chickengunya, swine flu. First and foremost cause of infections we think is because of virus. WHEN A CHILD COMES TO outreach patient department with concern symptoms the queries and thinking of parents are: 1)Why child is having high grade fever and such a cold cough. 2)Why he/she is not eating. 3)Why he/she is cranky. 4)Fever is setting with medicines but come again and frequent. 5)We think he/she will be fine after giving antibiotics. 6)Need any blood test. 7)How many days will it take to settle? So how to deal with viral infections and what is the main concern for that: 1)Firstly viral infections show same symptoms like bacterial infection like high grade fever, cough and cold, body aches. So in a viral infection a child can get mild to high grade fever and other symptoms. 2)When a child is sick or even adults are sick, they general