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Showing posts with the label Stomach Pain Treatment In Gurgaon

Pain abdomen in Children - कडल्स चाइल्ड क्लिनिक

Painful tummy is sometimes a big reason to visit a pediatrician. It can cause serious discomfort to a child or might be an on and off problem. As child’s threshold to tolerate pain is less than adult, so they sometimes suffer a lot leading to big panic condition in family. It is very often encountered problem in children. Abdomen pain can be :- -    Acute onset : that arise  recently like overnight -    Chronic: that persisting since long duration   Causes of such pain can be :- Due to underlying problem like gastritis, appendicitis, gastroenteritis etc. Functional here child tends to complaint, but no underlying problems seen. Idiopathic condition where cause is not known. Acute abdomen pain : Its sudden onset, due to some underlying problems like gastritis, gastric acidity, appendix pain, urinary tract infection, intestinal obstruction etc. Not all episodes of acute abdominal pain require surgical intervention. Oral medication mostly so...