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Eating Disorder in Children

Behavior eating disorder in children between 14-18 years of age is known as Anorexia Nervosa. Female adolescents are affected the most.

Anorexia- is loss of appetite

Nervosa- loss is due to emotional reasons

Diagnosis- it is a clinical diagnosis and patient presents with:

Patient shows refusal to maintain body weight which is required for particular age, weight, height.

Child feels fear of gaining weight and becoming fat.

There is disturbance in body weight and shape

Disturbed cycle


Restricting type- child restrict himself/herself to eat

Binge-eating/Purging type- child has habit of binge eating i.e. self induced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives after eating

This affects child’s health in the form of depression, OCD, phobias, panic attacks, other personality disorders, substance abuse.

Health changes-

Decrease BP

Decrease HR

GI and kidney problems

Decrease Bone Mass

Skin dries out and nail become brittle

Hormonal imbalance


Neurological impairments

Death occurs due to starvation, suicide, electrolyte imbalance.  Hospital admission is required to establish weight and restore fluid and electrolyte balance.


70% of patients recovers from the disorder

It takes 6-7 years time to recover completely

It is a life threatening illness

Death occurs due to physical complications

It runs in the family

Bulimia Nervosa:- It is characterized by rapid consumption of large amount of food followed by compensatory act of vomiting, fasting, excessive exercise.  Patient eats excessively within few months. It affects late adolescent age group.

Difference between Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa is weight loss.  In Anorexia nervosa patient lose excess of weight whereas in Bulimia nervosa do not.

Diagnosis- patient presents with binge eating again and again

Eating every 2 hours and large amount of food, more than normal what an individual takes

Sense of lack of control over eating

Self induced vomiting, use of laxatives, fasting to control weight gain


Purging type- includes self vomiting, laxatives and enema use

Non-purging type- includes exercising, fasting

Food- like ice creams, cakes

DSM Diagnosis quote Bulimia nervosa as diagnosis if patient eats twice a week for 3 months.

Effects are due to-

Negative affects on child


Changes in Health-

Menstrual changes

Normal BMI

Decreased Potassium

Electrolyte Imbalance

Tissue tear in stomach and throat

Salivary glands become swollen


70% of patients recovers from the disorder

Weight loss do not occur in Bulimia nervosa

It runs in the family

Serotonin plays a important role in causing Bulimia

Dopamine restrains eating

Treatment for eating disorder-

Anorexia nervosa

Psychological support- firstly in gaining weight and secondly in maintaining weight

Family support

Bulimia nervosa

3 meals/day and snacks in between

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Call the office of Dr. Ritambhara Lohan and schedule your pediatrician doctor in gurgaon sushant lok today!


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