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Doubts about Newborn-To ASK

When u has a child in your arms, u has a lot any doubts about upbringing of a child that “what to do or what not, this is right or that is right, is this normal or abnormal.”

So with a new phase of life and being a new mom, here come the answers to your doubts.

1)How to know that my mild is sufficient for my baby?
You are lactating means you are milking, no worries then.
If your baby passes 6-8 times urine a day and having good weight gain in monthly assessment, then yes your milk is sufficient for baby
15-20 minutes adequate feeding and proper sleeps in between feed also indicates the same.

2)My child wakes whole night and sleeps in day?
When baby was in womb, he sleeps in day as mother rooms around and giving a swing feeling to baby and them wake when mother sleeps on bed, the same continues after birth. This is called their Jet lag and takes times to adapt to new sleep awake cycle.
Try helping baby to awake more in daytime, so that he sleeps more in night with time.

3)My baby cries a lot? Don’t know what is the problem?
Crying always does not mean food (hungry).
Babies tell their problem by crying only like cries when wet nappy, before nature’s call, for cuddling, for feed, for sleep, for some problems.
Try to assess the issue and consult Pediatrician if required.
Don’t panic for every cry.

4)How to bath? What to use?
Bath always should be of Luke warm water in warm place.
Don’t apply soap except soiled
Don’t use colored/odour cosmetics for babies.

5)How often baby should pass motions when on Breastfeeding?
On breastfeed baby always passes golden yellow soft stools.
Stools’ can be 1 in 5 days or 15-20 times in a day.

6)What to apply for massage? Who should do it?
Apply either coconut oir or olive oil for massage.
Do massage by yourself or by some elderly at home
Daily or weekly can be massaged.

7)What type of clothes should be worn? What should be the temperature of a baby?
Baby’s clothing depends upon the climate outside.
But a newborn should be covered head to toe till 1 month to protect from excessive heat losses through body.
Room temperature should be like in which you feel little uncomfortable is best for baby’s comfort.

8)Does baby needs water or other food?
No, till 6 months only exclusive breastfeeding.
No added food or feed.
Breast milk is ‘thirst and hunger’ food for baby.

9)How many norms should a baby sleep?
Normally a newborn sleeps for 16-18 hours a day.
But this is intermittent sleep and improves in duration and hours with growth.

10)How often a baby should be fed?
It is 2-3 hourly till newborn period.
Then its demand feeding.

11)Is kajal safe to apply in eyes?
Don’t apply kajal in eyes.
It causes infection.

12)Is sunlight effective (in morning)?

No scientific reason behind this.
It can cause hypothermia in newborn it kept long in cold mornings.

13)How and when to cut nail of babies?
Don’t use normal adult nail cutters.
Use round body nail cutters for babies to avoid injuries.
Not required to cut in newborn period.
Avoid till 3-4 months of age.

14)Why to burp?
Burping helps in avoiding regurgitation of feeds as burping is weak in newborns and helping burping helps to avoid vomiting feeds.

15)How to assess problems?
If your baby not feeding properly
Excess and prolonged crying
Cold and blue
Dull and lethargic
Not passing urine properly.
Then rush to pediatrician.

All these point and doubts when cleared and understand, thus things become easy and make a new mom to rear a child confidently. These solutions are scientifically proven and are not just waste. Keep all these things in mild and bring up your child. Find Best pediatrician in sector 56 Gurgaon, Child Specialist sector 56 Gurgaon, Child Clinic in sector 56 Gurgaon.


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