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Eating Disorder in Children

Behavior eating disorder in children between 14-18 years of age is known as Anorexia Nervosa. Female adolescents are affected the most. Anorexia- is loss of appetite Nervosa- loss is due to emotional reasons Diagnosis- it is a clinical diagnosis and patient presents with: • Patient shows refusal to maintain body weight which is required for particular age, weight, height. • Child feels fear of gaining weight and becoming fat. • There is disturbance in body weight and shape • Disturbed cycle Types - • Restricting type- child restrict himself/herself to eat • Binge-eating/Purging type- child has habit of binge eating i.e. self induced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives after eating This affects child’s health in the form of depression, OCD, phobias, panic attacks, other personality disorders, substance abuse. Health changes - • Decrease BP • Decrease HR • GI and kidney problems • Decrease Bone Mass • Skin dries out and nail become