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Showing posts with the label child specialist in gurgaon sector 56

How do you choose a Child Care Centre? शिशु देखभाल केंद्र

Child clinic is one place where most of child fears to go, but this is the place where mental and physical growth is assessed and appropriate guidance and treatment is offered. ROUTINE PATIENT VISITS : Routine or regular checkup of children should be done by giving well spaced time slots so as to avoid crowding in clinics. This helps in avoiding transmission of infection. Receptionist should be well versed and knowledgeable. Basic parameter assessment can be done at reception area also. There should not be delay in meeting parents to the doctor. AFTER HOURS HELP Sometimes any medical emergency can be there like deterioration of child health and any new symptoms arises for which you cannot wait until next day, so for that there should be provision of After Hours Help. A dedicated help line number should be there on which parents can have their queries cleared. On receiving end any trained staffed in pediatric field can be there who can give you right advice and support to manage child’s

Spiting vs vomiting in newborn | कडल्स चाइल्ड क्लिनिक

Spitting Vs Vomiting in newborns: with newborn babies, this is s very common problem of throwing up of feeds. New mothers have a lot of apprehension and concern that why my baby is throwing up a lot or sometimes less amount of feeds. Is my feed too heavy? Any issue with the child? Am I over feeding the child? It is common for newborn babies to spit up feeds as they have weak muscle tone to hold mild and it comes out very often after feeds or while burping or lying down. Spitting up:- Many newborn babies or young infants are prone to spit up breastfeeds or formula feeds soon after feeding. Some spits more often, some spits up occasionally and sometimes comes out with burp. It is also called as GERD or Reflux (Gastro-oesophageal reflux) as muscle at top of oesophagaus doses not close properly in newborns and young infants. Spitting up decreases as child grows and starts on solids ie around 6 months to 1 year of age. Points to remember:- • No risk with spitting if child is gaining weigh


Combined immunodeficiency involves malfunctioning of multiple components of the immune system, including both humoral immunity and cell mediated immunity. •    It is also called as “bubble boy disease” •    It is X-linked genetic disorder •    It characteristically lead to death from overwhelming infection in the first year of life unless they have undergone successful bone marrow transplantation. •    In it neither T cells nor the B cells work properly Types : •    Typical SCID •    Leaky SCID •    Variant SCID Clinical presentation of SCID : •    Children with SCID may develop infections caused by organisms or vaccines •    Organisms which are most dangerous to cause fatal diseases are: pneumonia, fungal infection, viral infections like chickenpox, CMV, influenza, measles etc. •    Patients with SCID having rash are mistakenly diagnosed as eczema, but is actually caused by reaction of the mother’s T-cells. Diagnosis : •    Low lymphocyte count <1500 per cubic millimeter •

ROTAVIRUS VACCINES रोटावीरस वैक्सीन

Rotavirus infection is very contagious; it spreads when infants or children come into contact with an infected person’s body fluids or feces, or items. Most common age group is between 3 months to 35 months old. Infection is transmitted through stools to the mouth of another child called as fecaloral route of transmission. The virus can stand long on hands for hours. Find the  Best Child specialist in Gurgaon - Dr. Ritambhara Lohan The introduction of rotavirus vaccine helped protecting children from virulent rotavirus which is the leading causing of severe diarrhea in infants and children. More than 6,00,000 young children die and approximately 2.4 million hospitalize annually from rotavirus disease. Because of the tremendous global burden of rotavirus, WHO has prioritized vaccine development and introduction to control this disease. History says : • Human rotavirus was first isolated by Ruth Bishop in 1973. • 1980, efforts were made to develop rotavirus vaccine •

Urinary Tract Infection in Children

UTI occurs in children with a prevalence of 1-3% in girls and 1% in boys. In girls, UTI occurs by the age of 5 years whereas in boys mostly UTI occur during 1st year of life . Most commonly UTI causative organisms are colonic bacteria like E.Coli, Klebsiella, Proteus etc. which are more common in girls and Proteus infection in boys. UTI can present in 3 forms : • Pyelonephritis • Cystitis • Asymptomatic bacteriuria Pyelonephritis : it is the infection of urinary system involving upper urinary tract (kidneys). It presents with: • Abdominal/back pain • Fever • Malaise • Nausea • Vomiting Renal parenchymal involvement can lead to renal scarring means affecting kidneys. Cystitis : it is the infection of urinary bladder. It presents with: • Dysuria (painful urination) • Increased frequency of passing urine • Urgency  • Lower abdominal pain • Loss of control on urine Cystitis does not cause fever and does not result in renal injury. Most UTIs are

Asthma and Allergies अस्थमा और एलर्जी

ASTHMA ( अस्थमा ): It is defined as hypersensitive reaction of airways.  It involves the bronchial tree.  The triad includes: ·   Inflammation ·   Bronchospasm ·   Odema Allergic reaction involves immune response (IgE mediated) and an increase in absolute eosinophilic count (AEC). Causative agents: ·   Dust ·   Smoke ·   Preservatives ·   Coloured food items ·   Pets ·   Change in weather Family history plays an important role in predisposition of Asthma. Asthma or allergies run in family Symptoms: ·   Cough (due to bronchospasm) ·   Audible wheeze  (severe condition) ·   Breathlessness (Air hunger) ·   Vomiting Signs: ·   Wheezing heard with stethoscope ·   Nasal flaring, chest retractions (severe cases) ·   Falling blood oxygen saturation ·   Cyanosis (severe cases) ·   Silent chest (severe cases) Evaluation of asthma is clinical mostly expect for need of X-ray chest, Allergic profile (IgE and AEC), Spirometrey, ABG (severe

Pediatrician- A Child Specialist

The doctor who treats neonates and children upto 18 years. He/she treat the illness and assesses the growth and development of a child from neonate period till adolescence. Pediatrician mainly specializes in childhood in childhood asthma, allergies, vaccination, nutrition, growth and development.  Pediatrician also deals with the problem of newborns and remedies for those. So being a pediatrician, we treat the health problems related to child. We also assesses child growth, development, nutrition and immunization and guide parents what is best for their child’s health, in all the above mentioned areas. For information on  child specialist in gurgaon sector 56 to schedule an appointment online  (+91)  9467556799