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Showing posts with the label Baby spitting up curdled milk

Spiting vs vomiting in newborn | कडल्स चाइल्ड क्लिनिक

Spitting Vs Vomiting in newborns: with newborn babies, this is s very common problem of throwing up of feeds. New mothers have a lot of apprehension and concern that why my baby is throwing up a lot or sometimes less amount of feeds. Is my feed too heavy? Any issue with the child? Am I over feeding the child? It is common for newborn babies to spit up feeds as they have weak muscle tone to hold mild and it comes out very often after feeds or while burping or lying down. Spitting up:- Many newborn babies or young infants are prone to spit up breastfeeds or formula feeds soon after feeding. Some spits more often, some spits up occasionally and sometimes comes out with burp. It is also called as GERD or Reflux (Gastro-oesophageal reflux) as muscle at top of oesophagaus doses not close properly in newborns and young infants. Spitting up decreases as child grows and starts on solids ie around 6 months to 1 year of age. Points to remember:- • No risk with spitting if child is gaining weigh...