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Spiting vs vomiting in newborn | कडल्स चाइल्ड क्लिनिक

Spitting Vs Vomiting in newborns: with newborn babies, this is s very common problem of throwing up of feeds. New mothers have a lot of apprehension and concern that why my baby is throwing up a lot or sometimes less amount of feeds. Is my feed too heavy? Any issue with the child? Am I over feeding the child? It is common for newborn babies to spit up feeds as they have weak muscle tone to hold mild and it comes out very often after feeds or while burping or lying down. Spitting up:- Many newborn babies or young infants are prone to spit up breastfeeds or formula feeds soon after feeding. Some spits more often, some spits up occasionally and sometimes comes out with burp. It is also called as GERD or Reflux (Gastro-oesophageal reflux) as muscle at top of oesophagaus doses not close properly in newborns and young infants. Spitting up decreases as child grows and starts on solids ie around 6 months to 1 year of age. Points to remember:- • No risk with spitting if child is gaining weigh


It is a mite born rickettsial infection firstly identified in Japan in 1930. It is caused by Orientia tsutsugamushi.   Mode of transmission : Humans are the accidental hosts. Bite of an infected mite which feeds on small mammals (rats and mites) causes infection to humans. There is no direct person to person transmission. Prevails in rainy seasons and area of scrub vegetation. Find the top child specialist in sector 57 gurgaon . Clinical features : Incubation period is between 6-21 days •    High fever with chills •    Malaise •    Maculopapular rash •    Lymphadenopathy •    Coryza •    Headache •    Gastrointestinal symptoms •    Eschar formation on 5th day of illness. Mostly located in axillary, inguinal region, perianal, scrotum, buttocks and thigh. It appears as an ulcer surrounded by a red areola which is covered by scab. Complications : •    Pneumonitis •    Hepatitis •    Meningoencephalitis •    Disseminated intravascular coagulation •    Myocarditis •    Multi organ


Teething is the process of the eruption of primary teeth through the gums called as Odontiasis. Usually primary small teeth incisors erupt without much difficulty, but larger ones sometime are difficult to erupt. This phenomenon starts around 4 months to 15 months of age for primary dentition. Usual order of eruption of primary teeth: •    Central incisors- 6-12 months of age •    Lateral incisors- 9-16 months of age •    Canine teeth- 16-23 months of age •    First molars- 13-19 months of age •    Second molars- 22-24 months of age Between 6 years to 12 years of age the roots of these 20 baby teeth degenerate allowing their replacement with 32 permanent adult teeth. Local signs are: •    Swelling of gums •    Redness over gums and cheeks •    Keeping hands and fingers inside mouth •    Excess of salivation Systemic signs are : •    Irritability •    Crying •    Excess of salivation and drooling •    Decreased appetite •    Restlessness •    Increased thirst •    Rash around


Newer advancement in baby food market has lead to some hard facts which are prevailing nowadays. This packet market food claims for no harmful effects but certain facts are not to be ignored. Baby food often contains too much sugar and is incorrectly advertised as suitable for infants under 6 months of age, according to a new WHO report At least half of products analysed in three of four cities provided more than 30% of their calories from sugar, according to the study. About a third of them listed sugar, concentrated fruit juice or other sweeteners as an ingredient. That raises the risk for obesity and diabetes later because it can wire young children to a lifelong preference for sweet foods. The WHO recommends babies be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of their lives, advice the world’s biggest baby food makers like Nestle SA and Danone echo. In addition, the WHO study showed that as much as 60% of baby food products were being advertised as suitable for infant

Dos and Don’ts for your newborn

There are certain things which always piss off the mind of new moms out there. Rearing a new life in your hands is quite difficult to understand. Top 10 child specialist in gurgaon - Dr Ritambhara Here we discuss few dos and don’ts for the newborn baby:- Dos : Feed baby with breast milk soon after delivery as initial milk called colostrum is there for first 3 days which is full with antibodies, immunological factors, prevents chronic ailments like Diabetes etc. Do keep baby with mother and let her handle the baby which helps in developing bonding with mother, makes skin to skin contact with mother and helps in milk let down in mothers. Do cuddle the baby and talk with him/her as they also feels bored off Bathing should be done after cord clamp falls off Massage to be done after 1 month of life  Feed baby after every 2 hours till 1 month until there is demand feeding to avoid dehydration and jaundice and weight loss Feeding should be followed by adequate burping to a

ROTAVIRUS VACCINES रोटावीरस वैक्सीन

Rotavirus infection is very contagious; it spreads when infants or children come into contact with an infected person’s body fluids or feces, or items. Most common age group is between 3 months to 35 months old. Infection is transmitted through stools to the mouth of another child called as fecaloral route of transmission. The virus can stand long on hands for hours. Find the  Best Child specialist in Gurgaon - Dr. Ritambhara Lohan The introduction of rotavirus vaccine helped protecting children from virulent rotavirus which is the leading causing of severe diarrhea in infants and children. More than 6,00,000 young children die and approximately 2.4 million hospitalize annually from rotavirus disease. Because of the tremendous global burden of rotavirus, WHO has prioritized vaccine development and introduction to control this disease. History says : • Human rotavirus was first isolated by Ruth Bishop in 1973. • 1980, efforts were made to develop rotavirus vaccine •

Asthma and Allergies अस्थमा और एलर्जी

ASTHMA ( अस्थमा ): It is defined as hypersensitive reaction of airways.  It involves the bronchial tree.  The triad includes: ·   Inflammation ·   Bronchospasm ·   Odema Allergic reaction involves immune response (IgE mediated) and an increase in absolute eosinophilic count (AEC). Causative agents: ·   Dust ·   Smoke ·   Preservatives ·   Coloured food items ·   Pets ·   Change in weather Family history plays an important role in predisposition of Asthma. Asthma or allergies run in family Symptoms: ·   Cough (due to bronchospasm) ·   Audible wheeze  (severe condition) ·   Breathlessness (Air hunger) ·   Vomiting Signs: ·   Wheezing heard with stethoscope ·   Nasal flaring, chest retractions (severe cases) ·   Falling blood oxygen saturation ·   Cyanosis (severe cases) ·   Silent chest (severe cases) Evaluation of asthma is clinical mostly expect for need of X-ray chest, Allergic profile (IgE and AEC), Spirometrey, ABG (severe