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Blocked Nose in Children बच्चों नाक में अवरुद्ध

This condition is also called as Snuffles or Sniffles, which is commonly seen in less than 6 months old babies. It happens due to collection of mucous in nose which is difficult to clean in small babies due to narrow nasal opening and passage. It sounds like some snore coming while child is breathing.

What causes it?

It happens due to deposition of mucous in nose.

Not caused by infection or cold.

Dry nose (due to dry air).

It is common in newborn babies as they get used to breathing air after 9months in fluid in womb they breathe from nose to clear it. But babies who have snuffles are otherwise well but short while breathing. Feeding can sometimes become difficult if baby cannot breathe very well through nose.

What can I do for it?

Nothing specific to be done if baby is happy and able to feed.

Steam/humidifying the room when baby is sleeping so that thick mucous becomes loose.

Clean nose while bathing

Give small and frequent feeds 

Salt water nasal drops. It is very helpful if above measures are not helping much. Saline drops thin the mucous and so make it easier for the baby to clear the mucous from nose. Use it only on your doctor’s advice. Use it while feeding and sleeping when only nose is block. No unnecessarily use of saline drops is recommended.

Seek your doctor advice if child is not comfortable while feeding or sleeping.

Nasal aspiration- these help to suck the mucous from nose of child. Some are buld syringes, some are tube type while some are electrically powered. Its use is advisable only after doctor says.

When to seek doctor’s advice?

If child is not feeding well

Not passing urine properly

Cough and cold

Fast breathing


Baby turning blue

Crying a lot

In short snuffles is a common problem of small babies which actually don’t need any specific treatment but only simple and easy remedies helps. Don’t panic and stress for it and take advise from your pediatrician on how to manage it at home.

Book Online Instant Appointment and Consultation Best child specialist in gurgaon Sushant lok


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