Noisy high pitched sound while breathing:- it is a sound which involves upper airway tract like nose, mouth, sinuses, larynx and wind pipe. Stridor occurs while breathing in i.e Inspiration.
Causes can be:-
1) Congenital anomaly of upper airway tract
2) Infections like croup, tonsillitis, adenoiditis
3) Ingestion of substances like food/small object in upper airway path
4) Injury in upper airway tract
5) Allergic reaction in upper airway tract
6) Tumour of same tract.

Symptoms:- main symptom involves harsh noisy sound while breathing in.
Children are more at trouble due to narrow and shorter upper air way system
ENT specialist doctor are the doctor who treats this condition like stridor.
1) Chest and neck Xray
2) CT scan/MRI
3) Laryngoscopy:- to check throat and larynx
4) Bronchoscopy:- to check trachea and tubes in addition to above ones
5) Spirometery:- to know how much air is breathed in and out
6) Pulse oximetry:- to measure amount of oxygen in blood
7) Sputum culture
Treatment:- oral and inhalant medications to relief inflammation, allergic reaction, infection in airways. Surgical approach if stridor is severe.
Note:- if stridor is left untreated, it can cause life threatening episodes and death.
Look for danger signs:
- Gasping of air/choking
- Breathing heavily
- Change in behaviour
- Bluish skin
- Loss of consciousness
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