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Dos and Don’ts for your newborn

There are certain things which always piss off the mind of new moms out there. Rearing a new life in your hands is quite difficult to understand.

Top 10 child specialist in gurgaon - Dr Ritambhara
Here we discuss few dos and don’ts for the newborn baby:-

  • Feed baby with breast milk soon after delivery as initial milk called colostrum is there for first 3 days which is full with antibodies, immunological factors, prevents chronic ailments like Diabetes etc.
  • Do keep baby with mother and let her handle the baby which helps in developing bonding with mother, makes skin to skin contact with mother and helps in milk let down in mothers.
  • Do cuddle the baby and talk with him/her as they also feels bored off
  • Bathing should be done after cord clamp falls off
  • Massage to be done after 1 month of life 
  • Feed baby after every 2 hours till 1 month until there is demand feeding to avoid dehydration and jaundice and weight loss
  • Feeding should be followed by adequate burping to avoid reflux of feeds
  • Keep baby little inclined or in lateral position after feeds
  • Keep baby warm during initial days of life to prevent heat losses
  • Massage only with coconut oil or olive oil to avoid allergic skin reaction due to irritants in oils
  • Always use cotton under shirt while clothing to avoid allergic reactions due to clothes
  • Change diapers frequently to avoid diaper rashes
  • Keep aeration time in between diaper changing
  • Apply a layer of coconut oil always when to change diaper to avoid diaper rash
  • Proper positioning while feeding is important to avoid problems to baby and mother
  • Do give colicaid drops for colic if required
  • Do give nasoclear saline drops for nose if there is nasal blockage
  • Do give vitamin D drops till 1 year of life
  • Do keep expressed milk in refrigerator if planning to after a long gap i.e. >6 hours
  • Handle baby with care, as neck holding is not achieved in 1st month of life
  • Day and night difference should be there for baby too, do not keep room dark in day time


  • Do not hold on for breast feeding soon after birth as initial feed called colostrum is very important for baby and establishment of early feeding is necessary
  • Do not keep baby too cold or too warm to avoid infections
  • Do not bottle feed, baby should be exclusively breast fed till 6 months of life
  • Do not give baby any prelactal feeds or food 
  • Do not bath till cord clamp falls off
  • Do not massage until 1 month
  • Do not keep baby in open just to get sunlight which can cause cold stress or over heating
  • Do not keep hands, feet, head uncovered for initial days as this causes excessive heat losses
  • Do not use cosmetics for initial days, only use baby products which are without color and odour to avoid allergic reactions over skin
  • Do not use kajal that causes infection in eyes
  • Do not put any cosmetics or gentian violet over umbilicus which causes infection in that area
  • Do not use pant style diapers that hampers aeration 
  • Do not gap feeds or over feed baby during initial days of life 
  • Do not cut nails initially for 2-3 months, use round body nail cutter to avoid injury
  • Avoid overcrowding in baby’s room and maintain hygiene while touching baby
  • Do not take baby to public places in initial days of life which may leads to cross infections sometimes
  • Do not keep baby wet in clothes just to avoid diapers, this may cause more harm then benefits.
  • If formula feeding then do not dilute or concentrate it, prepare as mentioned
  • Do not keep expressed milk for more than 6 hours in room temperature
  • Do not heat the expressed milk

These little things make huge difference. What is normal and abnormal, what is right and wrong, what is usual and unusual all these questions are very time in mother’s mind. So these above mentioned points which help mothers to clear their doubts and helps in better understanding their babies.

Our Contacts

C-1039, Near Vyapar Kendra, Sushant Lok Phase-1, Gurgaon-122002  0124-4081682, 9467556799
 167-P, Near Kendriya Vihar, Sector-56, Gurgaon-122011 0124-4033899
 W-Pratiksha Hospital, Sec-56, Gurgaon +91 9467556799


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