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Showing posts from January, 2019


It is a behavioral disorder and makes difficulty for the child to pay attention and/or control their behavior. Onset of ADHD  before age of 7 years and has 3 main features: • Inattention • Hyperactivity • Impulsivity Condition become evident when a child starts preschool or are in early school 3-5% children suffers from ADHD Find the best  Child Specialist Doctor in Gurgaon - Dr. Ritambhara Lohan What exactly it means ? a) Inattention:- • Child who faces difficulty in keeping themselves in one task and gets bored easily because of one • Child switches from one task to other without completing one • Child who does not follow instructions • Child forgot things needed for task b) Hyperactivity :- • Child is in constant movements like roaming around, touching things, squirming or fidgeting etc. c) Impulsivity :- • Child speaks or acts without thinking its results • Child who blurts out inappropriate comments, even do not wait for their turn ...