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Showing posts from July, 2018

Asthma and Allergies अस्थमा और एलर्जी

ASTHMA ( अस्थमा ): It is defined as hypersensitive reaction of airways.  It involves the bronchial tree.  The triad includes: ·   Inflammation ·   Bronchospasm ·   Odema Allergic reaction involves immune response (IgE mediated) and an increase in absolute eosinophilic count (AEC). Causative agents: ·   Dust ·   Smoke ·   Preservatives ·   Coloured food items ·   Pets ·   Change in weather Family history plays an important role in predisposition of Asthma. Asthma or allergies run in family Symptoms: ·   Cough (due to bronchospasm) ·   Audible wheeze  (severe condition) ·   Breathlessness (Air hunger) ·   Vomiting Signs: ·   Wheezing heard with stethoscope ·   Nasal flaring, chest retractions (severe cases) ·   Falling blood oxygen saturation ·   Cyanosis (severe cases) ·   Silent chest (severe cases) Evaluation of asthma is clinical mostly expect for need of X-ray chest, Allergic profile (IgE and AEC), Spirometrey, ABG (severe